How to register a trademark?

As an entrepreneur, you must register the trademark of the services and products offered by your company. This is a matter of property law, which is about protecting your intellectual and physical property in the context of promoting the fundamental rights of human beings today. Whatever product is sold and manufactured by the company, it must be patented to prevent its ownership from being stolen by someone else.

Why is it so important to register a trademark?

In the context of promoting the protection of human rights, it is clear that the property right is immutable. However, for the latter to be valid, it is important to make it known to the administration that the property in question is indeed the property of the person. While this is easy to establish for tangible property, it is more difficult for something abstract. It is in this light that the trademark patent becomes meaningful. It denotes the idea or plan of the abstract thing under the ownership of a person. Furthermore, it should be noted that the exploitation of this trademark is the sole responsibility of the owner.

How do I register a trademark?

There are a few steps to follow in order to register a trademark. First, you must choose the sign or symbol that will denote and determine your trademark, it must be distinctive and unique to attract future customers or investors. Once this is done, the second important thing to do is to check that the trademark in question is still available. This step must be taken carefully as the aim is to attract as many consumers as possible. If a pre-existing trademark is similar to your own, this may harm your product later on. Finally, register your trademark with the the National Institute of Industrial Property and you can exploit it properly.

The National Institute of Industrial Property's services

At present, practically all areas of life are affected by the technological wave that is impacting the whole world. The National Institute of Industrial Property is no exception! It is now possible to register your trademark online. All you have to do is go to the institute’s website and follow the instructions to register your trademark.

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